I’m Overwhelmed And I Don’t Even Know Where To Begin!

This is the time of year where teachers are assessing students with the approach of state testing right around the corner. Or, if you are homeschooling, you might be asking if your child has covered enough subject matter. Either way, the stress can be overwhelming to say the least. Sometimes it pays to go back to the drawing board and ask yourself, “What is it that I am assessing? Are you filling time with “busy work”?

Do you have a clear purpose and goal for students to reach, and are they aware of the goal that is to be achieved?

There are one of two reasons that occur as to why you did not meet a particular goal:
1. The goal is not meaningful or measurable.

Review as to why your goal did not work. Is it meaningful? Is it measurable? Were you able to collect data? Did the students get the amount of help or quality time they need in order to accomplish the goal? Once you have answered these questions, ask yourself if you want to rework the goal so that it is meaningful and measurable or begin the process and plan a new goal. It can be advantageous to discard a goal and start all over or just tweak it and try again.

2. The students worked toward the goal but did not achieve it.

Just because a goal is not accomplished does not mean it failed (or the student failed). You can actually use the baseline data that was collected to set a new goal. It could be that you just need to add or reduce a step so mastery can be achieved.

To get students to meet a goal, sometimes they just need an incentive, either intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic incentives include eating lunch with the teacher, spending an extra 5-15 minutes to do something of their choice, or being a helper for a day. You may choose to offer extrinsic incentives like candy, a new pencil, eraser, or a book that you personally sign for them. Just make sure you follow through when offering either reward.

Visual Learning Resources realizes the struggles that teachers and parents that homeschool go through. That is why we are here for you!

Visit our modules, such as “I’m overwhelmed! Where do I start?”. All of our modules will help you plan your lessons better and give you sound teaching tools and strategies to use no matter what time of year.

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