Now that 2021 is here, have you found yourself setting a bunch of New Year’s resolutions? The question is, “How successful are you at accomplishing them?” Most of us will say, “Not very successful!”
Did you know that research says it takes 21 days to break a habit? That explains why most resolutions are broken within two weeks. If this is you, not enough time is given to commit to the goal. Why? Most likely, the goal was not written down and posted where you can view it day after day. I journal a lot. Journaling is freeing to me, but it does no good to keep my words inside of the pages where I might never see or read them again. And making too many goals just overwhelms me to where nothing gets done! (I can feel you say, “You are talking to me!”)
We all want this year to be different. But in order to be “different” we must do something “differently” than before. I bet you will find some of the same resolutions you set for this year are carried over from last year, right? But you say you are COMMITTED to mastering these goals this year! In all reality, you probably committed to them last year as well.
What if I tell you this year CAN BE DIFFERENT! It is not the “goal” that is the problem, it is the journey to get there that needs to change. What triggers you to quit? Do you put too much on your plate? Or, do you lose interest half way to reaching your goal due to the thought of “failing”? (By the way, there is no such thing as “failing” a goal, you just get to start over!)
My mom has the perfect words of wisdom that I am passing on to you. When I need an “adjustment”, she will repeat these words to me, “Debbie, focus on one tree at a time, not the whole forest. Pretty soon, you WILL have planted enough trees to make a forest!” So true! I become overwhelmed when I focus on too much, which ultimately means I’m going to accomplish very little or nothing at all!
I’ve learned that if I prioritize my goals one at a time, a lot more gets accomplished. Setting a time frame to get things done is a game changer!

Take a lesson from the trees when setting your goals. A tree goes through different stages. In the winter, trees look barren (just like on Day 1 of our goal journey). Maybe that is why the New Year starts in winter! Then, without wavering and fretting, the trees begin to show signs of growth producing buds (this is when you are not struggling to keep within a routine and begin to see progress). Next, those buds turn into beautiful flowers with their brightest colors coming through (you’ve reached your goal!) But in order to keep those vibrant colors intact, the tree must continuously be maintained and watered on schedule, or it withers and dies. In other words, don’t forget about your goals after you have accomplished them! If goals are meaningful and have a purpose , they will flourish with new sprouts that also exhibit vibrancy. In goal setting, this happens when you take your goals that you have accomplished and set another goal, connecting piece by piece; or as a tree would say, “branch by branch”.
Download our FREE Goal Sheet
VLR recognizes how important goal setting is for both you and your students, and we want to help you get started! Download the “FREE” goal sheet to help organize your professional goals that you wish to accomplish through the end of the 2020-21 school year. Guess what? You can use the same template to get a head start when setting goals for the next new school year!
VLR has 12 modules to help make your life more simple. After all, isn’t that what we are striving for when making goals in the first place? You will want to make sure you visit these two modules on goal setting that will be a game changer for “you” and your “students”:

Module 1: I’m Overwhelmed! Where Do I Start?
Module 1 will show how to set meaningful and measurable goals so you can begin to teach with an organized purpose.

Module 4: I’ve Got This!
Module 4 provides the tools to teach students how to set meaningful short-term goals. Both you and the students will celebrate when looking at the accomplishments!
Purchase Each Module Separately
Purchase ALL 12 Modules For The 1st Year's Bundle
1st Year Modules And Future Modules Throughout The Subscription
Dear Heavenly Father, Help us to start a New Year with energy, vitality and optimism. With Your Holy hands we ask that You guide us through each phase of our goals, just as You have given each season newness of life. Show us how we can produce good goal setting habits so we can teach others how to set purposeful goals too. We look forward to 2021 with positivity and give You All The Praise. Amen!
Welcome to 2021!
Debbie Guyer, Founder and Mentor of VLR
“Open your mouth for those who cannot speak, and for those who are left without help.”
Proverbs 31:8 NLV