5 Strategies for Incorporating Technology in the Classroom

The way we teach and how children learn is 100% influenced by technology and advancements in how we share information. There are so many great ways to leverage these tools at our fingertips and to engage our students in a digital learning environment, however, we just need to take the time to plan for how to use technology in the classroom.

Here are my top five technology strategies to incorporate into your lessons.

  1. Post as many assignments as possible on the internet. Begin by linking subjects and content together to make your lessons more meaningful. This can be accomplished by using a project-based approach.
  2. Create a relaxed atmosphere to allow students to think outside the box. Let this be a time where students are encouraged to develop their creativity. Show them how to problem solve through their own situations as you take on a facilitator role.
  3. It is important for students to learn organizational skills. Teach them how to keep track of significant information and resources that they might want to refer back to at a later date. With proper organization, students learn how to apply self-check techniques.
  4. Encourage students to work in groups. This teaches them how to work cooperatively, to accept other opinions, and maintain a voice of their own. This can take the form of Zoom meetings for virtual contact or even work together on a Google Doc.
  5. Instill the importance of meeting deadlines. They need to be able to chunk their workload from beginning to end, thus alleviating procrastination and anxiety which will likely cause an unproductive outcome. This will also help students learn time management skills while working independently.

How are you using technology in the classroom? Share your ideas in the comments, I would love to chat about how you are leveraging digital tools with your students.

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