Take the Time… It’s Worth It

While spending time with family, have you ever taken a step back to notice what is happening around you? On Thanksgiving, I noticed older people sitting around and “talking” to just about anyone and the younger children tend to gravitate toward them. It is evident the older folks understand the “Gift of Time”, something a lot of us need to practice. I know I needed a reality check, and Thanksgiving did just that!

Isn’t it interesting those who are middle-aged run around cooking and making sure everything is turning out ok? They inadvertently join in a conversation or two but rarely finish it due to the busyness that is happening around them. They have only one thing on their mind, and it is definitely not paying attention to the young ones at that moment.  Does this sound all too familiar?

We tend to put the younger ones on the back burner due to the misalignment of our priorities.  The sad part is this occurs in all of our everyday lives; we move in a non-stop world that is rushed and refuses to slow down. Often, we tell our children to “hold on”, “wait”, “I’m busy”, “in just a minute”… never to come back to acknowledge their needs. 

How long will I wait this time?

This goes well beyond all of our households… Not being heard follows our children outside of the home and into the real world, which includes the classroom. 

Students should feel comfortable sharing things that are important to them. Do you frequently reply “wait just a minute”? If a teacher would stop to listen with undivided attention, this sends a message to students they are valued and that their voice has been heard. You might be the only one that “listens” to them throughout an entire day. Parents also pick up on this kind of attitude from the teacher, and they are more willing to share personal information that might not otherwise be discussed. 

As a teacher who is homeschooling, are you giving undivided attention to your children when they are learning, or are you multitasking? Don’t be fooled, they notice. You are sending either a positive or negative message of the importance of the task. 

The bottom line is all students want to be heard and understood. Isn’t that virtually what we all want? They deserve our undivided attention. After all, we are shaping their confidence to speak up for themselves, to make choices, and learn how to compromise through decision making rather than being told what to do. Their VOICE will be the future someday, so teach them the conversation skills they need now to be successful later on.

A child's time is innocent and priceless!

It is ironic a former student that I have not seen nor heard from in over 1½ years contacted me when I was writing this blog. She wanted to share a personal story. Before ending our conversation, this student said how much she missed me. Now, why did she think of “me”? Thinking back over the years I taught her, she reached out to me because I always “listened” and allowed her to voice an opinion when, at times, no one else would listen.

You are known for either making a difference or stopping the flow of learning

I want to help you break the cycle and learn to listen more to others. We need to figure out what that balance is in life, in the classroom, at home… Make the “TIME” no matter what must be set aside. It is OK to carry over a lesson or leave dirty dishes in the sink. For when we devote time to listen to what is important to students, we actually gain “Quality Time”. Students will listen to you, follow directions at a quicker pace, and homework time will be driven with a purpose.

The upcoming holidays are right around the corner and life can get very hectic to say the least. However, this is just the time to practice my challenge to you:

The Challenge:

Count how many times in a day you tell someone to “wait”.
It may shock you!

This may seem so simple, but how many times do you consciously have to correct yourself to do this? It is not as easy as you think ~ let’s make an effort to listen more!

Come take a look at Module 12

“Dig Deep and Get to Know Me Because I’m Really Worth It”

This is the PERFECT TIME to think of what you need for Christmas! VLR has three different packages to choose from to help you with all your teaching needs.



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Purchase all 12 Modules for the 1st Year


1st Year Modules and future Modules throughout the subscription


Use this 10% coupon when purchasing the 1st. Year’s bundle.
The coupon is good through 12/31/20!

Follow VLR’s blog every week to give you fresh, new teaching ideas on how to strive to keep a b-a-l-a-n-c-e. Make sure to post your feedback each week on Facebook. Others in the tribe will learn from you, and you will learn from them. Comments create conversation! 

VLR’s mission for the weekly blog is to create an intimate tribe of teachers who converse with one another from around the world and want to be the best advocate for teaching and learning.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Open our hearts and minds to slow down so that we may take in time well spent with others. Remind us of the importance of truly listening to our young ones and let them have a voice.  Show us that a sense of balance is sometimes doing less, not more. Lay your hand upon all teachers and parents as they go forward to make a difference in students’ lives.  We ask this in Your Holy Name Jesus, Amen.

Make a difference this week,

Debbie Guyer
Founder and Mentor of VLR

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