Monday, April 8, 2024 is a BIG day for those in Mexico, the United States, and Canada, as the solar eclipse makes its debut.
More than likely you have been preparing your students about the solar eclipse by teaching the positions of the sun, moon, and earth for the past couple of weeks. Yet, this majestic event has shown us we fall short of teaching the vastness of subject material, in this case the universe. As teachers, we think we are “teaching” a particular concept or skill, but aren’t we really just skimming the surface? So, I ask you, If the solar eclipse did not happen, would you have taught the same material in such depth? The answer would probably be, no.
This event shows teachers and parents who homeschool their children how we need to think more outside the box. Have you thought about contacting a meteorologist? There is a little astronomy place to visit in my hometown where one can look at the moon, stars, etc. on a clear night. I personally have seen the milky way at this site. Places like these can be used to take students on a field trip where they can learn well beyond the classroom.
This solar eclipse event goes to show that real life experiences can add a whole new dimension when learning about a particular subject. But you say there are no opportunities to take students on a field trip. I say are you going to let that stop you? What about teaching students using virtual reality through the internet? Even becoming pen pals with another class overseas? These are ideas that involve staying exactly where you are. Don’t let excuses get in the way of fully “teaching” your students or children.