How Am I Teaching Students To Test?

It does not matter if you are teaching in the classroom or homeschooling children, testing is an important part of educating students. So, why do we test? The most logical answer would be “to see the next steps to take toward learning a new skill or whether mastery needs to occur first.”

So, as a teacher, I ask you this question. Are you teaching to the test?

Let’s consider testing that happens on a daily or weekly basis. Are students merely learning how to spell a group of words? Memorizing certain verses? Performing a particular math skill only to be later forgotten? Regurgitating information that has little meaning other than memorization for a test?


If you can answer “yes” to one or more of the above questions, then more than likely, you are merely going through the motions while letting a curriculum or outline dictate how you should be teaching.    

What are you doing with the test scores?

If you simply record scores in red ink on the tops of papers and accumulate the percentages for an overall grade, then students are learning little or nothing to apply the taught skill(s). Or maybe you choose to dismiss a skill entirely because of low performing test scores. Then, you just wasted not only the students’ time, but your teaching time as well.


We have taught students to be so concerned with “the score” rather than learning a skill or concept that can be bridged to higher level material. Think about it. Students do not go around bragging they know a particular skill, they gloat about their “test scores”. On the flip side, students who have not done well tend to shy away about the grade topic altogether. Moreover, these students walk away ingesting the words “failure”, “I’m less than”, “I can’t do this!”, “quitting is my only option”.


Let Visual Learning Resources help. We make it so easy by giving you the materials you need to TEACH WITH QUALITY!. Our modules show how to embed material with other subjects so the test scores you strive for can be met. Meanwhile, both under and over achievers will feel a sense of pride in what they have learned rather than focusing on a final test score. Now that is a WIN ~ WIN for both you and the students!

Take a look at the modules we offer that will make a difference in your teaching.

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