Give Yourself Grace

Last week has been a particularly difficult week for me. It seems the more I try, circumstances spiral out of my control. I began the week with a list of things I wanted to accomplish, just as I typically do. But as the week went on, there were very few items marked off the list and other unexpected situations added that I needed to deal with.

I find that when I’m tired I am most vulnerable and tend to think negatively. Ok, if I’m honest, I can be really good at beating myself up with negative thoughts. In all reality, none of these thoughts are true.

Having worked on giving myself Grace for a while, I had an unexpected negative situation come at me after working a hard earned day, and my energy was spent. I immediately began with a negative attitude but quickly realized this is a moment when I can give myself Grace. And I did! I can’t tell you how freeing it is not to have these negative thoughts circulating around my head for hours, or even days. Not to mention, the wasted energy it takes! Applying God’s Grace made the situation that I was dealing with suddenly become significantly small. Most importantly, I did not entertain any negative thinking.

Grace means God’s gift of receiving His help and favor.

As a teacher, you deal with a lot of negative students, parents, and staff on a daily basis. Some days can literally beat you up emotionally. More than likely, you begin to collect negative thoughts like, “I can’t do this anymore!”, “I don’t even know where to begin…”, “No one knows how hard this job really is!” Stop! and give yourself Grace.

Some of you are homeschooling your children. Maybe even for the first time. Thoughts of doubt tend to enter your mind as well, and if left there long enough you want to “give up”. You begin to think, “I don’t know if I can do this!” This is a time to give yourself Grace.

Quit rehearsing your problems. Instead, turn your negative thoughts into a positive mindset. Think why you chose to become a teacher ~ it is to make a difference in students lives, and that is what you are doing! As a parent who is homeschooling, think why you chose this path ~ to give your children a personalized education, instill core values, and view the world through a different set of lens!


The next time you come across a negative situation, take these steps to give yourself Grace:


Step 1:  Stop as soon as you realize negative thoughts are coming your way.

Step 2:  Say to yourself, “I’m receiving Grace for this situation.”

Step 3:  Only focus on positive thoughts and affirmations. 

Step 4:  Solve the situation that needs attention with a positive point of view.

Visual Learning Resources understands the obstacles you face as a teacher or homeschooling parent. We BELIEVE IN YOU! That is why we have created quality, digital modules that you can view time and time again to help keep you in a positive mindset with the help you are looking for. Visit to view these modules.

Keep us posted, as we will be launching new modules for homeschooling parents coming this fall!

Prayer for you this week:
“Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for gifting teachers and parents who have chosen to homeschool. Show them how to give themselves Grace this week. Remind them that they are Worthy to do this job alongside You. May they feel the releasing power of Grace through Your help and favor. Amen”

“Open your mouth for those who cannot speak, and for those who are left without help.” - Proverbs 31:8 NLV

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