Enjoying The Little Things That Matter While Winding Down The Year 2020

What would your list look like if you wrote down everything that happened in the year 2020? Which side would be longer, your negative side or positive side? If your negative side is longer, you tend to think more “negatively”; vice versa, if your positive side is longer, you think more “positively” about the situations around you. This is called “Our Mindset”.

"Think of yourself first, the rest can wait!"

Everyone would agree that the year 2020 has been quite different, to say the least. The bottom line is that we have adjusted our “mindsets” to work through every change, including a lot of challenging times. However, there has also been many changes that have brought us back to enjoy a more simpler lifestyle and to appreciate the little things . Give yourself a pat on the back for pushing through the most trying year yet!

More than likely, you have finished the year teaching students. So, what do you say it’s time to concentrate on “YOU”? Take these next few weeks to make a list of all your accomplishments as well as the things that did not go so well in 2020. (Make sure to use a positive and negative side when recording your reflections.) Is there something on the list that you would like to set a goal for the New Year? Or, do you want to spend the next few weeks accomplishing something NOW on the list?  You do have a couple of weeks before getting back into the swing of things, so lets make this time count.  Don’t just sit back and think or expect it to happen; be proactive and put forth the effort to make one more positive change before the year ends!

"You are what you do, NOT what you say you'll do"

The New Year will come soon enough. In the meantime, check-in with your “mindset” on a daily basis over these next few weeks. By putting a “positive mindset” into motion, this will lead you to make well, thought-out goals for the New Year. VLR recognizes how important “positive mindsets” are, and we will be doing the same right along with you

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Come back to read VLR’s blog in January, as we will talk about setting new goals for 2021! A “free” goal sheet will be available to help you foresee what you want to accomplish by the end of the “2021” school year. Let’s begin January with a “positive mindset”!

Dear Heavenly Father,  

We ask that you be with each teacher and family around the world as we celebrate this special time of year.  May we end 2020 with the thought of You in mind.  Go before us in the New Year and lay Your hand upon us so we may have a positive mindset.  Help us reflect on meaningful goals as we prepare for 2021.  We ask this in Your Holy Name, Jesus.  Amen! 

Debbie Guyer

Founder and Mentor of VLR

VLR wishes you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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