Controlling Behaviors… Not Just Through the Holidays But on a Daily Basis

Do you find yourself a little more frustrated or tired this time of year? I know I fall into this category, and I’m sure you do too!  I find my temper rises more quickly, and it is certainly easier to “bark” orders versus showing others “what” to do. I asked myself “why” my easy-going personality changes this time of year? The answer I came up with is that I juggle more plates than I should and try to accomplish tasks just to check something off my list. I’m sure you are trying to do the same. But, are we really measuring true success when things such as students’ behavior fall short?

Behavior is something that needs to be controlled ALL of the time, not just during the holidays. If you complete the day slumping in your favorite chair only to feel like you’ve accomplished very little, then it is time to pull back and reassess. First, think of “what” you are doing and then “why” you are doing it.

Here Are Some Ideas
To Keep In Mind

<< List only important activities to accomplish on your “To Do” list.

<< Stay focused on the current task at hand through completion.

<< Limit multitasking. THIS IS HUGE!!!

<< Allow students time to transition, which could take longer during the holidays.

<< Take the time to address students’ negative behaviors IMMEDIATELY, DO NOT IGNORE OR WAIT!!!

<< Only change the day’s routine, if necessary.

Remember, students who have high anxiety, ADD/ADHD, and even those on the Autism spectrum have difficulty adjusting to all the changes the holidays bring, which can cause negative behaviors. 


Tips To Take Into Account

<< Limit the lights and overstimulation of decorations to help those students who suffer from overload and seizures.

<< Students with anxiety do not do well with sudden change or a lot of stimulated activities.  It is ok to allow them to sit out from an activity so they can recollect themselves rather than have a meltdown.  Make sure they do join in some activities.

<< Schedule more “quiet time” to keep those students with ADD/ADHD on track.  Make your teaching time “quality” not “quantity”.

<< Students on the Autism spectrum may be reluctant to transition to another activity just because they feel overloaded.  Giving a few extra minutes to make a change will allow them to comply in many circumstances.

Students are constantly watching how you conduct your day whether in the classroom or while homeschooling This is the perfect time to assess the things you are doing. For instance, set positive expectations at the beginning of the day by sharing which goals you would like to accomplish. Next, review any ground rules. Ground rules should also be given at home. Ask students open-ended questions to make sure they understand them. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page before teaching begins. It also lets students know your expectations, as long as you follow the rules. 

“Action Versus Talk Can Reap A GREAT Outcome.”

Consistency Is Key
There will be days
when you will question
whether the plan
is working or not.
This is your cue to
take a step back and
reassess how your
day went.

Ask yourself 3 questions:

1. Was “I” consistent?

2. Did I offer enough “praise”

3. What will I do differently

DO NOT beat yourself up when having a not so stellar day. We’ve all been there! And, by the way, it will happen again. Focus on the progress you have or want to make. You will be shaping students’ behaviors before you know it! 

Remember, Anything Worthwhile Is Hard Work!

Our days go much better if we focus on the positive rather than the negative. That goes for anyone, young and old. Students also thrive on positivity. This is where teachers and parents struggle with what to do. That is ok. You are not alone ~ VLR IS HERE FOR “YOU”!!! Knowing that time is of essence, we have given you three different models along with all of the handouts you will need. So, go check out Module 9 on Behavior and START using those charts!

Come Take a Look at Module 9

“Take The Sting Out Of Behavior”



Purchase each module separately


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1st Year Modules and future Modules throughout the subscription


Use this 10% coupon when purchasing the 1st. Year’s bundle. The coupon is good through 12/31/20!

VLR’s blog keeps “YOU” in mind where we discuss hot topics. Don’t miss out on the new TEACHING IDEAS AND TIPS that help your week to run more smooth. Make sure you take the time to post your comments and feedback on Facebook. It is a GREAT place to become part of a tribe that cares about “YOU”!

Dear Heavenly Father, 

We ask that You help teachers and parents guide students’ behavior through positivity. Put Your hand on all the students and nurture them to be kind, caring, and respectful of others. We pray in Your Most Holy Name, Amen.

Perseverance Wins the Race!
Debbie Guyer, Founder and Mentor of VLR

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