Now That’s A Good Lesson!

Has it ever crossed your mind there is not enough time to teach every lesson you want? It is no surprise with all of the multi-tasking that goes on around us on a daily basis. When this happens, teachers are faced with frustration while only accomplishing very little; this leaves more information to cover in future lessons. Just imagine the feeling if you had “everyone’s” attention. Well, it is possible. Now is the time to learn the foundational methods that will engage ALL students in meaningful, well-planned lessons.




This module gives the necessary tools you will need to teach virtually any student and adult. You will learn a five-step process how to overlap auditory, visual, tactile and kinesthetic learning styles into one meaningful lesson. You will begin teaching a controlled group using direct instruction to engage all students. This will lead to activities that involve inquiry-based and discovery learning.

Key Points:

  • Align the four learning styles into meaningful lessons
  • Control lessons while focusing on independent learning
  • Gain student engagement through creative learning and build fun lessons
  • Reflect on teaching to better enhance learning


  • Smile and Instruction Handouts
  • Teacher Reflection Handout
  • Professional articles that support Best Practices