“Listening” Makes All The Difference

Do you truly “listen” to your students and parents? Think of a teacher you had while in school. Immediately one teacher’s name will come to mind. Out of all the teachers you have had over the years, why just this teacher’s name? The fact is, teachers are known for reaching students and parents one of two ways, either the teacher took the time to listen, or just the opposite, the teacher was always too busy. Which teacher are you?

Students and parents will carry memories of teachers, both positive and negative, that lasts a lifetime.

We all know that some students and parents carry far more personal baggage than others, and teachers need these parents to share that information with them. However, if parents feel uncomfortable and unheard, they will not share. That is why it is so important to take the time to know students and their family dynamics at a deeper level.

Visual Learning Resources realizes the importance of this topic. The module “Dig Deep and Get To Know Me Because I’m Really Worth It” has been created to give teachers the strategies they need on how to build a better educational relationship between students and parents. Getting to know students at a deeper level will help teachers to appreciate their students’ differences rather than “talking” about their baggage. In turn, parents will feel they have a teacher who not only listens and supports them but cares about their child. In the end, respect will be earned and educational partnerships formed. It will be a Win – Win for everyone!

Prayer for the week:

Heavenly Father, show teachers how to actively listen to the needs of their students and parents. Give them the time and compassion it takes to quiet themselves to listen. Impress upon students and parents the teacher’s sincerity and willingness to help. We thank you for Your listening ear when we come to You. Amen

Have a Blessed week!

Debbie Guyer, Founder and Mentor of VLR

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