10 Tips for Remote Learning

In remote or hybrid learning environments, there are certainly benefits to utilizing technology and having the flexibility to continue lessons without being in the “traditional” classroom. However, as with all things, there can be some challenges. We’ve outlined a few easy tips to help your students work through those remote learning challenges.

10 easy tips to help students eliminate the struggles of online learning:

  1. Don’t assume students know how to navigate the internet. Make sure they can log on and use all assigned websites.
  2. Students need to record and check their daily assignments on an assignment calendar. Otherwise, you know the saying, out of sight, out of mind.
  3. Have students organize their workload breaking longer projects into smaller work segments.
  4. Make sure students know how to post information on websites, such as using Google Classroom.
  5. Many students who struggle are using two devices while working. Show them how to work from multiple tabs.
  6. Teach students how to filter information when looking up specific topics on the internet.
  7. Students should be aware of how to check if assignments have been submitted. However, caution them that constant checking will uncheck assignments.
  8. Show your students how to participate in Zoom meetings. They often do not understand and abuse the hidden ground rules, such as excessive talking, making noises, or even walking away from the computer.
  9. Direct students where they can go for help if their technology or device just isn’t working.
  10. Work with students at the same time using Google Docs. This is a great way to show them different ways in which to write and edit.

Educators and students alike have had some adapting to do as it relates to what the classroom “looks like.” While working through frustrations with technology can be a bit of a hindrance in your day, once those challenges are worked through, students can flourish and you are able to find fun creative ways to incorporate technology into your lessons.

What has been your biggest challenge with remote learning and how have you found a way to work through it? We would love to hear from you in the comments.

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