Paperwork | It’s time to get organized

Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork!

Do you ever feel like your paperwork is out of control and no matter how hard you try the piles just keep growing? Some people have “organization” built into their DNA, but most of us fall within the category where we have to physically make ourselves organizers.

As a teacher, I have spent countless hours organizing and reorganizing my papers. Out of frustration and a burst of willpower, I would pick a day to conquer the piles to make sure every paper had a home. Once I finished, this left me feeling not only a sense of accomplishment but I was able to take a breath and relax. What a great feeling.

However, it didn’t last very long, because the piles of paperwork began to grow again. How does this happen? I thought I was pretty organized, but the more I tried, somehow I found myself deeper in paperwork than the time before. I came to grips. It is the “system” put in place that will make one successful in keeping organized long-term, not short-term. That is when I developed a helpful system that works for me… hopefully, it will inspire you as well.

Think of the word SOUP as an acronym.

S, spend 15 minutes a day organizing papers

O, organize all paperwork in one place, such as a binder

U, use the information for a significant purpose, or

P, purge it

If you set aside 15 minutes a day to organize, that is devoting one hour and 15 minutes in just five days – five hours a month – to get your life in order. Don’t let other priorities get in the way. When it comes time to organize your paperwork, make this time a priority. If you are persistent, your life will change from being frustrated and unorganized to order and accomplishment.

For up-to-date teaching tools on how to increase your organization and skills with a new mindset check out our modules, VLR is committed to helping you become the master teacher you want to be.

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