5 Tips when Homeschooling Students

There have been many parents who have chosen to embark on the homeschool path either due to the pandemic, or your own choice, or maybe you are trying to find your family’s new normal while your children experience hybrid learning. No matter the choice, most parents are asking, “When homeschooling students, can my family’s life be somewhat normal?” And the answer is yes, with some guidance and discipline.

As a teacher, I experienced what it was like when schools shut down and students went to online learning due to COVID. There are a few things that stood out to me during this time.

Students fell off their school routine from day one, it was astonishing. Students did not plan their workday, and therefore they missed turning in their assignments. Parents were not monitoring their children’s activities, such as using their cell phone or computer time.

What I did discover is that students who applied these five tips were at the top of the academic scale and learned with a purpose and ease. These tips will help you too.

Tip number one, the most important tip, treat every school day as a business. That means this time is to be productive with a common workplace, such as working at a desk or at the kitchen table. Just make sure you have all the necessary supplies in one location. Keep items handy so you are not spending unnecessary time looking for them.

Tip number two, start every school day at 8:00 AM after a healthy breakfast. It is important to eat a nutritious breakfast, one that gives energy. No matter what, everyone should be ready to begin the workday at 8:00 AM.

Tip number three, no cell phones or devices in use other than those needed for school. This includes not allowing the use of electronic devices before the school day begins. You might ask, “What is the harm if I allow my children to watch TV or play a video game before the beginning of a school day?” More than likely, you are allowing TV or playing a video game to be a filler. In all reality, these devices are serving as a distractor and disengagement, not to mention their brains are being stimulated to work with a repetitive mindset.

Let’s take a look at ourselves when we use technology. What happens when you check Facebook? Do you find yourself on your phone or your computer longer than you intended disengaging from the things around you? How many pop-up advertisements trigger you to search for something else on the internet? And what about these addictive thoughts you have throughout the day to return to your phone or tablet to play a particular game or check social media?

This includes parents not using their cell phones and media as well. Parents and caregivers that are acting as teachers should be giving their undivided attention by sitting down with their children while they are learning. This is no doubt difficult but so important to give your undivided attention to your children while they are learning.

Tip number four, go over the ground rules every day before children begin working. Ground rules are rules that you want everyone to follow, such as, “We need to keep our minds focused on our work.” “Surfing the web for pleasure is not allowed during school time.” It is also important to instill rules like, “Be kind and considerate to others.” “Do not interrupt when I am helping someone or others are working.” And don’t forget to schedule breaks.

*Use the one-hand rule. You have four fingers and one thumb on one hand, so no more than five ground rules.*

Tip number five, allows children to organize their own workload for the day, from least to most difficult. Write the assignments down and then check them off once completed. It is important that children are able to organize their own school day.  Whiteboards are a great visual tool to use. If you are working with more than one child, let them claim a particular color to record their information.

Do you remember the old saying, the early bird gets the worm? Well, it has some truth to it. The early bird had a plan and then focused on the execution.

Just like these five tips, you too can have the same outcome if you’re consistently applying them day in and day out. The outcome you will get is an overwhelming feeling of a good day and that you accomplished a lot. Remember, don’t underestimate yourself as a “teacher” who is setting the standards for your children’s future. You can do this!

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